

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

Thank You

Thank You

It is election day here in Kentucky…and a few other places across the nation.

Yesterday, my niece texted me and said, “I feel like this election is a big deal.” I responded to her, “They all are.”

To be fair, this election in Kentucky has been a hotly contested, highly controversial affair. The race for governor has been the source of elevated rhetoric, commentary, and emotion, as two very different candidates with widely separated viewpoints have done battle to win votes.


But I stand by my comment to my niece, that all elections are important, and here’s why I believe that:

Over two hundred years ago, brave patriots went to war with the most powerful military on earth, risking…and often losing…everything. They did this so that future generations would no longer be ruled by monarchs, but would have the freedom to choose their leaders. If for no other reason, voting is a way to say “Thank You” to those who sacrificed so much.

Sappy? Melodramatic? I don’t think there is anything sappy or melodramatic about honoring and appreciating those who gave all so that we could choose. This is why I vote, every time. You should, too.

Yes, Virginia, There Is Gun Control

Yes, Virginia, There Is Gun Control

When You Are Prey...

When You Are Prey...