

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

This has become all too familiar. When the Republicans are in the minority, they introduce amazing pro-gun legislation like this bill from Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS). His Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act of 2019 would remove short-barreled rifle restrictions from the National Firearms Act, eliminating the requirements for registration and payment of a tax on such guns, and require the BATFE to destroy all SBR registration records within one year of passage of the law.

No more NFA registration? Great idea! At least it would have been two years ago.

No more NFA registration? Great idea! At least it would have been two years ago.

Awesome, right? Except that it won’t pass (probably won’t even make it out of committee), and Marshall has to know this. So why even bother?

Because this is what Republican politicians do these days. They pander to pro-gun rights voters at election time, introduce doomed legislation when in the minority, and then fail to act to advance gun freedom when they are in power.

“[Gun Free Zones] No, not optional. As Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military bases. President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect themselves on bases. America’s Armed Forces will be armed. They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate.”

- Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

Remember HR 38, the bill which would have required all states to recognize other states’ concealed carry permits? You know, the one introduced into a Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which was advanced to a Republican-controlled Senate, and could have been sent to a Republican president for signature…except that it languished and died in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Republican controlled Senate Judiciary Committee. A similar fate befell HR 367, the Hearing Protection Act, which would have removed silencers from the NFA, and allowed them to be sold as a simple accessory.

Why do they do this? Why do they promise…time after time…to fight for gun rights and then fail to deliver? Because no politician (Democrat or Republican) cares about you or your rights as much as you do. All you are to them is a vote, and nothing more. They will do the absolute minimum necessary to get you to pull the lever for them, and then you will be forgotten…until the next election cycle. Then once again, they will happily speak the words you want to hear, but once in office will expend no more effort than needed to keep you placated.

And the Republicans understand that you, as a gun rights voter, have nowhere else to turn. They know…as you should…that you cannot vote Democrats. While they may have previously acted coy when it came to supporting the 2nd Amendment, the mask is fully off now. After some of the positions taken by Democrat candidates in the current presidential primary, you’d be a fool to ever cast a vote for a Democrat ever again, no matter what they claim their feelings are towards gun rights.


So the Republicans have you stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Vote Democrat, and you can be assured that your gun rights will be further infringed upon (or completely trampled, as in Virginia). Vote Republican, and you might have some hope. But when the haggling between parties gets down and dirty in DC, the GOP doesn’t have to spend any political capital on gun voters…because where else do you have to go?

Who wins? Not you.

Who wins? Not you.

A cynical take on things, I know. If you see things differently, I’d love to hear from you.

What to do about it? I really don’t have answer, except to be engaged with your lawmakers (at all levels) outside of the campaign cycle. Ensure that they know that you are paying attention, and that you haven’t forgotten the promises they made. Don’t simply accept a “no” vote on gun control legislation. Demand action, not talk. Ask them the question…”what have you done for me lately?

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Warriors Disarmed

Warriors Disarmed