

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

Be A Pacifist

Be A Pacifist

Controversial psychology professor Jordan Peterson once said, “A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.” Whatever you might think of Peterson there is truth in his statement (he’s not the first to make this observation), and I think it has some merit when we consider the seemingly opposite ideas of pacifism versus armed personal self-defense.

As articulate as Professor Peterson is, however, I’d like to rephrase his statement a bit. Think of it this way: You cannot be a true pacifist…a person who chooses peace over violence…unless you actually have a choice between peace and violence. You can’t choose forks over knives if all you have is a fork. Unless you personally are capable of defending yourself, then you aren’t actually a pacifist…you are simply prey.

“But Dave,” you might say, “My choice is in deciding not to pursue a violent path in the first place…in choosing not to personally use tools and techniques of violence. That’s my non-violent choice.” Very well. Do you disavow any police protection? The truth is that “rough men” do indeed do violence on your behalf every day, and any peaceable existence you may enjoy is because of that. Your hands are not clean simply because you pull your teeth and remove your claws, and then farm out your violence to the hired help.

The sheep are not pacifists.

The sheep are not pacifists.

I guess if it makes you feel better to call 911…just like you’d call Domino’s…and have your violence delivered rather than make it yourself, that’s your prerogative. We all get lazy from time to time. But to abuse another metaphor, ordering out doesn’t mean you don’t eat pizza. And having someone else do the violence for you doesn’t mean you aren’t the beneficiary of it. (One difference: If the pizza you ordered is late, you just go hungry. If your violence delivery is late, you could die.)

“Hi! I understand you have a violent home invader who needs a beating?”

“Hi! I understand you have a violent home invader who needs a beating?”

Don’t be un-dangerous. Bunnies are not pacifists…they are simply meat for predators. Instead, be very, very dangerous. Then you can choose whether or not to use it…you can choose to be a pacifist.

No Such Thing

No Such Thing

The Hard Is What Makes It Great

The Hard Is What Makes It Great